Friday, June 26, 2015

Small Dog Harness

The mark of a good invention is when you take one look at it and think, “I can’t believe someone didn’t come up with this earlier.”  The invention is so practical, so obvious, that it’s hard to believe that someone hadn’t come up with it much sooner.  Such is the case with the small dog harness.  The concept behind the small dog harness or small dog harness vest is extraordinarily simple:  instead of restraining and controlling your dog with the conventional collar and leash that tends to resemble a hangman’s noose, why not replace it with a small dog harness, also known as a no pull dog harness.  These dog harnesses, also known as small dog harness vest, restrain the dog around their chest, upper legs, and torso, which are the strongest parts of the dog and can actually withstand all the yanking and pulling.  This is much healthier for the dog; any tension that is placed on a leash that is tied to a collar around the dog’s neck, especially a small dog, can prove unhealthy.  At the least, it’ll create an unhealthy tension for the small dog in question, maybe even straining it, and at worst you can wring or snap a dog’s neck if the applied tension is fast and strong enough.

The version made by Comfort Fit Pets is tough and durable, made from the same fabric that is used in the construction of hang gliders.  They also have the distinction of being made by Metric USA, who has a long and storied history of manufacturing women’s underwear, swimwear, and the bra cups lingerie.  This explains why the dog harnesses are well-cushioned on the inside as well as why they employ soft seams.  If these designs can prevent and minimize skin irritation on the sensitive parts of a woman’s body, then they are more than enough for a dog as well.

The small dog harness uses two hardy D rings for each leash and attachment, and weighs in at a mere two ounces, insuring that even the smallest of dogs will be able to wear the vest without it being burdensome.  It also employs velcro, firm buckle fastener, as well as tear resistant fabric, this small dog harness was created to be durable, comfortable, unobtrusive, firm, and reliable, allowing you to pull on the harness firmly when necessary, without the fear of hurting your dog.  At the end of the day, it is a much healthier alternative than the collars of old, allows both canine and owner to apply tension to the leash without any fear of possibly injuring either dog or owner.  Looking back on the history of the dog collar and the ways that owners have kept control of their dogs and their pets in general, it is hard to imagine how we as owners have kept our beloved pets on nooses this whole time, and how the chest and leg harness was not invented sooner.  It seems such an obvious solution, it’s hard to imagine someone not thinking of this idea sooner...

mattress store Los Angeles

 mattress store Torrance

Small Dog Harness

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